CK Himalaya
Czech Mountain Guide Association

Juráš Šefl

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UIAGM/IFMGA/IVBV/CMGA Mountain Guide Juráš was born in Prague in



Juráš was born in Prague in 1983. At the age of 14 he began to climb in the northern part of the Czech sandstone areas. During this traditional climbing, he found his passion for life.

He likes all climbing disciplines from bouldering to ice-climbing. Since 2006, he has been running his own climbing school Horoguru, where he focuses mainly on children and educates a new generation of climbers.

In 2015, he became a UIAGM mountain guide and focuses more on mountain climbing.

Climbing and Guide experience in the areas of: New Zealand, USA – Yosemity Area, Utah, Colorado; multi-pitch climbing in the Alps, Skialp and freeride in Georgia, Sweden, Norway. In the Czech Republic, he specializes in sand climbing and passing on his experience in his sandstone camps Sandstoneguide.

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